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Board Goals & Policies

Board Statement of Purpose

Board Statement of Purpose

The Governing Board of the Helendale School District is dedicated to providing an educational program of the highest quality for the children of this community in a safe, caring, supportive environment for all. We, of the Board, understand that the investment in our District and our youth is a commitment to the future of our nation and the world.
Helendale School District Policies

Helendale School District Policies

Board Goals

Board Goals

  • The District will ensure that its academic programs allow every child to reach their learning potential.
  • The District will teach, encourage, and expect positive student behavior in a safe and orderly school environment promoting effective teaching and social and emotional wellness while maximizing learning.
  • The District will remain a source of pride to the Helendale Community through its actions and its effective communication while it always strives to gain input from the community.
  • The District will always act in ways to maintain fiscal solvency while providing effective support systems that ensure the greatest learning opportunities for every child.
  • The District will build and maintain educational, extra-curricular, and athletic opportunities that enrich every student's learning experiences.
  • The District will use technology as a tool to enhance and engage student learning.


Helendale School District
Board of Trustees (2023)
Positions First Name Last Name Email End Term
President CIndy Hensley December 2026
Clerk Frank Melendaez December 2026
Board Rep. Amy  Thomas December 2026
Member Heather Allgood December 2028
Member Jeremy Silver December 2028